Recursive Descent Parsing

Parsing is an important problem in computer science that comes up quite often. Recursive Descent (RD) parsing is one of the most intuitive algorithms out there for this problem. This is a common choice to implement hand written parsers as an alternative to using parser generators such as Yacc or Bison. In this post, a recursive descent parser for a very simple expression grammar is implemented.

Let's first write an arithmetic expression grammar in a naive way:

E -> E + T | T
T -> T * F | F
F -> ( E ) | Int

In this grammar there are no - and / operators, negative numbers, and floating numbers for simplicity. However, it is not very difficult to add these once you understand the algorithm.

Left Recursion

Above grammar has a common problem in it. If you look at the first rule, you see that we need to parse E in order to parse E so that we can parse E and so on. It means the parser is going to deadlock unless we do something about it.

In general, left recursive grammars have the following rules:

A -> Ab | c

This is called direct left recursion meaning a non-terminal exists as the left most element in its own derivation. There is also an indirect left recursion for basically the same thing over multiple rules. Note that recursion is acceptable in grammars as long as it's not left recursion.

Let's try to convert the rules to have right recursion instead:

E -> T + E | T
T -> F * T | F
F -> ( E ) | Int

As a side note, keep in mind that this modification also changes the left/right associativity of parse trees.

Left Factoring

So now we have a grammar that can be parsed using an RD parser but there's still one problem, which is backtracking. Consider the case when you need to parse an E and your input is such that you should use the second derivation T instead of the first one T + E. An RD parser in this case first tries to parse T and then realizes it should be using another derivation when it couldn't find a + afterwards. When it tries to use the second derivation, it tries to parse T again. We don't usually want that as it will basically increase the complexity.

In general, backtracking occurs when there are common initial elements in derivations of a rule as such:

A -> Bc | Bd

The solution is to factor out the common part to a new rule, namely left factoring. Rewriting our grammar after left factoring we get:

E  -> T E'
E' -> + T E' | eps
T  -> F T'
T' -> * F T' | eps
F  -> ( E )  | Int

Now I should mention that many people go directly from version 1 of our grammar to version 3 or sometimes even directly come up with version 3. This is perfectly acceptable and the only reason I have went through this burden is to show you the common problems associated with grammars.

Extended Backus Naur Form

Lastly we convert the above Context-free grammar (CFG) to its Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF):

E ::= T {+ T}
T ::= F {* F}
F ::= ( E ) | Int

Since repetitions are possible with EBNF, we are able to merge some of the rules. Each rule in this form corresponds to a function in the implementation.

Scanning Code

First thing to do before parsing is to get the input from the user. For this purpose, we use a scanning routine that will read a single line from stdin discarding all the whitespace:

int scan(char *s, int lim)
    int i, c;

    i = 0;
    while (--lim > 0 && (c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') {
        if (!isspace(c)) {
            s[i++] = c;
    if (c == '\n') {
        s[i++] = c;
    s[i] = '\0';
    return i;

By removing all whitespace from the input, we minimize the need for a seperate lexer. The only thing required for tokenization is to parse consecutive digits as a single number which is handled directly in parsing routines.

Looping Code

Main routine consists of a loop for reading the input, evaluating the expression, and printing the result, which is usually referred as Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL):

#define MAXLINE 1000

char *curr;

int main(void)
    char line[MAXLINE];

    printf("> ");
    while (scan(line, MAXLINE)) {
        curr = line;
        printf("= %d\n> ", expr());
    return 0;

The current input char *curr is held as a global variable to be shared between parsing functions.

Expression Code

Expression parsing rule is pretty straightforward to implement:

// E ::= T {+ T}
int expr(void)
    int result = term();
    while (*curr == '+') {
        result += term();
    return result;

Expressions are terms connected with the plus operator. Terms are parsed and summed up as long as there is + operator. This repetition is implemented with a simple loop.

Term Code

Term parsing rule is almost the same as the expression rule:

// T ::= F {* F}
int term(void)
    int result = fact();
    while (*curr == '*') {
        result *= fact();
    return result;

Since term parsing is done while parsing expressions, precedence of * operator is higher than + operator just like in the grammar.

Factor Code

Factor parsing is the most complicated of the three:

// F ::= ( E ) | Int
int fact(void)
    int result;

    if (*curr == '(') {
        result = expr();
        if (*curr == ')') {
        } else {
            printf("error: expected ')'\n");
            return 0;
        return result;
    } else if (isdigit(*curr)) {
        result = *curr - '0';
        while (isdigit(*curr)) {
            result = result * 10 + (*curr - '0');
        return result;
    } else {
        printf("error: expected a parenthesis or a number at: %c\n", *curr);
        return 0;

Factor parsing checks the current character to decide whether to parse a parenthesis expression or a number. If it is a parenthesis expression, a ) character is expected after the expression. Number parsing is done as long as there are digits.

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